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The Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Economics (NJAE) is the official journal of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economics. It is proposed to publish original scholarly articles in all aspects of agricultural economics and related fields. The journal is scheduled for publication twice a year with option for special editions. The journal in essence, will provide a medium for academic and professionals to document latest advances in knowledge. Articles submitted will be refereed through blind, peer review process by well-informed and critical reviewers.

Submission of Manuscript

Authors are invited to submit through electronic means. Manuscripts prepared along the approved formats should be submitted to this email address: njaec@hotmail.com

All articles submitted to the Journal must be original and should in no way violate any existing copyright, and should not be liable to any ethical issues or complaints. Kindly note that any manuscript not conforming to the general manuscript presentation, will be rejected outright in the first instance.

General Manuscript Presentation

Manuscripts should be typed using MS-Word (2003-2010 version) with double-spacing on one side of A4 paper and 1cm margin on all sides. The preferred lettering style is Times New Roman with 12 font size. Authors should demonstrate literary prowess and good command of English Language. All pages should be numbered consecutively, with page numbers centralized at the bottom.

The manuscript should be should be sub-divided into the following headings: Title, Abstract and keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendation.

Title and Author(s) Detail(s): The title should be in uppercase. The name of author(s) should be in Title case and affiliation should follow immediately. Where there are more than one author and different affiliation, annotation or numbering in superscript should indicate individual author’s affiliation. In the same vein, the correspondence author should indicate a functional e-mail address and phone number to facilitate communication on decision of editors

Abstract:The abstract should be succinct and not more than 250 words. It should border on the aim of the study, the methodology, results, conclusion and recommendations. The abstracts should contain keywords of not more than 5.

Introduction:This should incorporate the clearly spelt-out problem using up-to-date references, as well as the objectives; which should be clearly spelt out.

Methodology:This should bring out clearly appropriate data collection and justification (if any). The analytical procedure should be clear and explanatory for easy comprehension by audience. The MS-Word equation editor should be used to prepare relevant equations and other mathematical formulae in simple format.

Results and Discussion:This should be written in good and scientific language. The total pagination should be between 15 and 20 pages. Authors are please expected to adhere strictly to this specification. Tables and Figures: Each table and figure must have title and caption as the case may be. Tables and figures must be drawn using MS-Word table and figures preparation software. Tables and figures copied directly from the internet should be reformatted along MS-word editable format. Figures and tables must be numbered in serial order. Tables and figures could be drawn in-text following the referenced discussion


References should be typed in alphabetical order using single spacing all through. The first line of each reference should be indented while a single space should be within each reference. Author(s) should avoid incomplete referencing. The APA style of referencing should be adhered to. Some examples are listed below:

Journal: Ajao, P. A. and Oluwole, R. E. (2012). “Economic analysis of waste management in Nigeria. Journal of Social Studies.5 (8):48-44.
Book: Ajao, P. A. (2013). Agricultural development in Africa. Cambridge University Press, Ibadan. 5th Edition. Pp 25-34.
Proceedings: Oluwole, R. (2014). Determinants of Farmers’ participation in Agricultural Insurance in Nigeria. In Adebayo, B.O., Olomola, O.B., Adedire, J. (eds). Agriculture in the New Millenium. Proceedings of the 13th Farmt Council of Nigeria (FAMCON) Conference held at the College of Agroecology, Kaduna State between 18th and 23rd January, 2012.


Manuscript accepted for publication by NAAE cannot be submitted to another journal or published in any other retrieval form without the consent of the Editor-in-Chief. NJAE reserves the exclusive right to the articles published and author(s) therefore, automatically transfers this right to the journal once he accepts to publish in NJAE. However, NJAE will not take responsibility for views or issues raised by authors in their papers or those relating to authors negligence of copyrights of other journals or publishers as the case may be. Also, authors should provide necessary permission for the publication of any copyright material they wish to include in their articles. NJAE would ensure that manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal are properly reviewed.


A non-refundable processing fee of N 3,000 shall normally be charged while the approved page charge by the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Economics will be conveyed to authors whose manuscripts are accepted. Page charges fixed by the Association shall normally be paid by authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication. The approved bank accounts for payments will be made known to the authors.

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We're the best thing that's happened

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Prof. Job Nmadu

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Prof. Chiedozie C. Eze

National Vice President I/Legal Adviser
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Dr. Olusola Olatunde Adepoju

National Vice President II
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Dr. Adeola Olufunso Olajide

National General Secretary
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Dr. Zelda Elum

Assistant General Secretary